Erotic (Greek ἔρως, eros, ‘the desire of love’) is the set of phenomena that arouse sexual desire, and various performances, in particular cultural and artistic, expressing affection or elicit this effect. Eroticism can also designate, by extension, the nature of the relationship that develops between individuals due to this attraction.
Eroticism, and the adjective ‘erotic’ characterize anything, from a representation relating to sexuality, creates an emotional and sensual excitement, inseparably physical and mental health. In this sense, differs from eroticism sexuality, because it does not refer to the sexual act itself, but rather anything that causes sexual desire, and all mental projections that it evokes, especially fantasies.The eroticism is also distinguished from love (which is a feeling), insofar as the erotic love comes in part from the body and sex drive, unlike some forms of love that ignores the body (Love filial, platonic love, etc..).
Eroticism is an aesthetic judgments, conscious or not, linked to sexual attractiveness. In this sense, it provided much food for artistic performances. In art, eroticism is indeed a category or genre labeling certain suggestive representations of people (especially the nude, painting or photography) or scenes (in literature and film).
Usually playing on the imagination, or the implicit suggestion, he opposed representations cruder or more explicit sexuality, which fits in the field of pornography. From the moral point of view, it is therefore not subject to condemnation as severe as the latter, often described as obscene or indecent;but as morality varies by culture and time, certain representations once considered obscene or sulfur are now designed as simply erotic, that is to say, arousing desire.
Psychogenic infertility is she?
Depression or stress may be responsible for ovulation disorders or sexuality, and cause a transient decrease in fertility. We often talk about those couples who have taken the route of the LDCs, without result. And now, when adopting the final solution, the woman becomes pregnant! It invokes the psychological. This is not necessarily the case. In infertility, time is the ally of the doctor proved beyond infertility (tubal bites, azoospermia, premature menopause), there is always a chance to develop over time.
What effect has the inclusion drying on the couple? Some reviews can be quite bad experiences. To make a semen analysis, a man must masturbate, usually in a rather unattractive, if not it obvious!The couple may also have a tendency to engage in sex only in a reproductive purpose, which distorts the relationship. Finally, when you get into this business, you should develop a binding timetable. Treatment, monitoring, many appointments encroach on work time, the woman’s first.
How to take an active part in the consultations? By providing as much information as possible to different doctors, without losing on the road. For women, the date of the rules for three to six months gives a first indication, to be completed by the temperature curve. If the appointment with the gynecologist or PMA center falls on the 13th day of the cycle, have sex with his spouse in the previous 4 to 24 hours will allow the physician to do the post-coital test. Finally, women can build their own folder with photocopies of the results of all tests previously applied in this context: it avoids redoing everything!
Do its temperature curve is used to find the date of ovulation during the cycle.This is a first step before a consultation.
To do it, he must take her temperature every morning, if possible at the same hour before sunrise. We defer this temperature on a graph, the first day of menstruation until the following month. There is a slight rise (3 to 5 tenths of a degree) at the time of ovulation. The two days preceding ovulation are the most fertile cycle.
The hallucination is a psychiatric disorder of perception, which is binding on the conscience of the patient, who is accompanied by an unshakable conviction, which is difficult given to the doctor because of a reluctance of the patient.
Neurology in the patient who has hallucinations and sensory perception to personality and mental structure normal: it has a critical attitude, he was surprised or complain spontaneously of his hallucinations.
In psychiatry, however, hallucination belongs to the realm of delusion unwavering belief that defies logic and any critical attitude.
Chronic hallucinatory psychosis in humans begins between 30 and 40 years later in women around age 50. In the months before, there are often a triggering event: professional difficulties, economic, illness, divorce, bereavement …
Eroticism and imagination
Eroticism is often linked to the stimulation of imagination caused by the sight of another person. Thus, often, someone will find appealing or erotic, a person whose clothes are short, revealing a considerable part of the body’s skin, or else that the garment gapes (as written by Roland Barthes in the quotation below), or even a person wearing a tight-fitting garment. Eroticism in this case comes from the stimulation of the imagination, while not being unveiled at the sight: not only the desire to see what is shown is so excited, but more imagination magnifies this which is not visible, that is to say, makes it potentially even more beautiful in the mind of the observer.For this reason, many men find a woman in underwear is far more erotic than a woman completely naked. Indeed, the spring potentially ‘infinite’ stemming from the imagination no longer exists (or is severely diminished) when everything is exposed to view.
Similarly, eroticism is often stimulated by an ambiguous attitude, the suggestion, the unspoken, or even the promise of a future state, for the imagination and desire are also best approached in these case, when everything is earned or given. This can be used as a spring of seduction by many people, consciously or unconsciously. It is in this sense that we must understand the quotation from Georges Clemenceau: ‘The best moment of love is when you go up the stairs,’ is to say, before the act flesh is consumed, when the desire that makes us move towards him is still alive, and not after the implementation or satisfaction of that act.
As is well explained by the authors of that article, some clothing (or accessories) may provoke everyone a sexual fetish, that is to say, a sexual attraction characterized by a strong erotic excitement at the sight of these clothes. This is certainly the case of some clothing, but so do accessories such as boots (riding boots, waders). This sometimes eroticism born of transgression made by the person who ‘dares’ not to get into the room by being consistent with his singular dress, with its ‘look’.
When raising the alarm?
The consulting physician is advised when penetrating sex and unprotected does not cause pregnancy after one year among women younger than 38 years, and earlier, after 6 months for women over 38. Initially, the doctor inquired in detail about the female cycle, frequency and timing of intercourse. It may also prescribe a semen analysis to the spouse.Except to find an easy explanation resolvent by simple means (the right time for copulation, sexual technique …), it is obliged to hand over to a specialist gynecologist who will bear both female and male infertility. The urologist-andrologist can be also invited to give their opinion.
The term ‘sterility’ is convenient but imprecise. Physicians prefer to talk of infertility when there is difficulty in becoming pregnant, or infertility when there is difficulty in having a child alive. This painful and explosive results, in 15% of couples facing these problems, relationship problem, sexual and sometimes separation.
Often the elderly feel a sense of guilt when it comes to their sexuality.
Physiological aging body includes more or less decreased sexual ability often due to the absence of erotic fantasies monotonous.The desire gradually decreases and the complete cessation of sexual activity occurs as it is true that fantasy is often the engine of eroticism.
In humans, decreased erection feels like a drop of its power and manhood for fear of failure, it avoids the opportunity to address them, which only aggravates the situation as it True, the function creates the organ and, to quote Professor Besancon, ‘never uncoupling.
In women, cessation of menstruation once felt as a loss of femininity not have the same impact today, especially that allow sequential treatment avoid its disadvantages. Nevertheless, the fear of a decrease of physical attraction is obvious and that in 25% of these women took refuge in masturbatory activities.
However, the withdrawal of a normal sexuality is tempered by the desire to fill any prior sexual frustration and a new freedom (the empty nest, late to work).
The fact remains that in men as in women withdrawal and passivity become a means of protection and can cause serious disturbances of up to aggressive behavior and asocials.
Therefore exonerate seniors with sexual problems. The challenge is to make them confess to these problems that they dare not speak. The role of the doctor is very important. He must go to meet these problems in older people who have emotional disturbances, especially in institutional settings where sexuality is experienced most often in a fashion fantasy in general and very repressed.